Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

Monday, August 15, 2011

One Year – 365 Days – Pop/Soda Free!!!

It is weird for me to look back over this year and realize that I have changed, in at least this area of my life and a great change for the better!  I don’t plan on ever having another pop/soda again (I grew up in the north, so from now on, I’ll just be calling it pop). 
I still remember the main reason I knew I had to stop drinking pop – I kept getting these crazy stomach aches after drinking pop.  I had read some information on sugar and artificial sweeteners and realized that I needed to do this and do it now.  I set an empty bottle of Sierra Mist on my counter and wrote on it with a black marker, “Last Pop 8-14-10” and kept it there for atleast a month or two as my reminder.  Over the months I kind of forgot that I even used to drink pop quite a bit and just a month or 2 ago I realized that I don’t crave pop AT ALL!  I am so thankful to have this out of my life!
I know pop is so addicting and I wonder if my cravings and desires for pop would easily come back if I let myself have any.  I did have a good experience with this a couple months ago.  We went to Chick Filet and I ordered waters and poured some in Cadence’s cup.  She took a drink and said, “this is not water”.  I told her to stop it, just drink your water.  So she takes another drink and again she tells me that this is not water.  I take a sip and oh gross, it was pop!  After telling her sorry, and getting her water I smiled and was very pleased that I did not even like the taste of it!!  I did not miss it!  I was also thankful that Cadence did not like the taste either.  We do not give our kids any pop – they have never had any…that I know of.  It makes me cringe when I see people giving little kids pop in their bottle or sippy cup!  What a horrible habit and addiction to be starting at such a young age!
I know for me it was an easier decision to stop pop because I did not feel good.  But for someone who is not feeling bad while drinking pop or not realizing that some of the pain they may be having could be associated with the pop it may be a harder decision for them to stop.  I also think some people are so used to feeling bad that they don’t even know what it feels like to not be sick in one way or another – and I’m not saying big sicknesses and diseases.  I am just talking colds, backaches, IBS, acid reflux, allergies, etc.  I think these can all be helped if people would eat and drink better.  For me, not drinking any pop is a huge step in making me feel better and I would not trade that for a Mountain Dew or Sierra Mist any day!!
In a book I read called “Sugarettes” by Dr. Scott Olson it addresses drinking pop.  He says that “in the last twenty years, soda consumption has risen over 300 percent in the United States, causing a multitude of health problems”.  I like how he explains why drinking sugars is not good for us.  “Normally, when you put a food into your mouth you chew it.  The simple act of chewing begins a series of events that alerts your body that it should expect nutrients and a rise in blood sugar.  When you first put foods into your mouth and begin chewing, the stomach starts secreting stomach acid to prepare for the meal.  Hormones are released when we begin to eat.  Each of these hormones is designed to help your body deal with the rise in blood sugar that occurs whenever a food hits your stomach.  When you drink calories, something strange happens.  The hormones normally released during a meal are not activated.  This is especially true when the calories are comprised of simple sugars.  The other problem is that when you drink something that is very sweet, especially when you drink it outside of a meal, there is almost no digestion that takes place.  This means that the sugar in the soda goes from the can directly into your blood stream.  Imagine how confused your body must be when you drink a soda!”
Some people think that drinking a diet pop is better than a regular, but it really is worse because of the artificial sweeteners that are put in it.  Having all those artificial sweeteners are worse then just eating the sugar directly (I’m not saying to drink regular instead of diet, of course my stance is drink neither!).
Maybe on every bottle or can of pop there should be a label with a warning that says, “Drink At Your Own Risk”.
I am celebrating this part of my new lifestyle with a large glass of ice cold water...and loving every sip of it!!!  :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

You Are Made For More...You Are Made For Victory!

I am a little behind with my blogs because I have been preparing and starting to homeschool.  We had a great first week and so now I'm trying to catch back up!  I have been trying to write weekly what we have been covering in our Bible study at church (going over the book Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst).
Over the last couple weeks we have discussed how we are made for more.  God has some awesome plans for each and every one of us.  We need to come to God and ask Him to show us what our "more" is.  I love Lysa's prayer with regards to this, "God, I recognize I am made for more than the vicious cycle of being ruled by food.  I need to eat to live, not live to eat.  So, I keep asking for Your wisdom to know what to eat and Your indwelling power to walk away from things that are not beneficial for me".  You may know in your heart that you are not on the right path with eating or whatever your idol may be, it's also important though for you to know that we have a mighty power available to us (if we are a child of God) - we have the same power available to us that raised Jesus from the dead!  Think of that!  It is so important to have a hope and power beyond yourself and you find that in Christ!!  It is great if you already know in your heart that you need to change something because then you are one step closer to changing your mind so you are able to experience victory!!  You don't have to have it in your head that you are always going to have to deal with your weight, self-image or your can change and you can have victory in this area of your life!!  You are important and deserve it and God wants it for you!! 
Can you do what God wants you to do?  What He has called you to do?  Your heart may be open and available to do anything for God, but your weight/health could be holding you back.  Don't get distracted by physical food in your spiritual calling from God!  "Breaking free from consuming thoughts about food allows us to see and pursue our calling with more confidence and clarity" - not confusion, grogginess, irritability, sleepiness and frustration!
If we are working towards being closer to God, positioning our hearts in line with Him and His Word, then our "mind games" will be different, and it will be easier to get through a temptation or distraction from what we know is right.  If we have God's Word's memorized then we have a stronger shield to help us with the temptation.  We need to make a choice to listen to the Holy Spirit, even when the road gets tough!  We need to accept that our journey will be hard and sometimes not fun, but we need to stop giving up and just do it!!  Obey God with all that we do.  Don't worry so much about the number on the scale for this week, work on obedience.  Things will come together better if that is our focus.
"For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their destiny is destruction, THEIR gOD IS THEIR STOMACH, and their glory is in their shame.  Their mind is on earthly things" Philippians 3:18-19.
A good question to ask yourself (from Lysa), "Did I feel that, at any time, I ran to food instead of God?"  Fix your focus on God, not food!! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Friends Don't Let Friends Eat Before Thinking.

How has your journey, your plan, your focus with regards to food, exercise and a healthy lifestyle been going?  Do you feel like on your own you have accomplished what you set out to do?  It is hard to do this all by yourself, even if some people know that you are working on losing weight or trying to eat healthier, it isn't the same thing as having an accountability partner - a person, friend, that is with you during everything and is available whenever you may need them.  Sometimes we need "a friend who can speak rationality into your irrational impulses.  A friend who will hold you accountable, speak the truth in love, and pray for you."  I am so thankful that God has provided me with a really awesome, Godly accountability friend - it really does help!  Accountability is crucial and I would encourage you to prayfully consider the right healthy eating plan for you and for an accountability partner that can help you along the way.
The temporary pleasure that so many people seek in food is something that seems so ridiculous when you hear about it from someone else - their story, you think, man that was bad and I can't imagine doing that.  And yes, maybe you would not do the exact same thing that they did, but you may be on the same road of selfish indulgence to an idol that is not God!  In Made To Crave Lysa addresses the story of Jacob and Esau.  I'll write out the story here for those who may not be familiar with it and just as a refresher to others.  This is a story that I think, wow, I wouldn't give up that much for my love for food, but then when I really look at what has been sacrificed or messed up - what I have given up for the food, then I don't feel so far from Esau.  "Esau was the older of two twins, a skillful hunter, while the younger twin, Jacob was more of a homebody.  The Scriptures say:  'Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished.  He said to Jacob, 'Quick, let me have some of that red stew!  I'm famished!'  Jacob replied, 'First sell me your birthright.'  'Look, I am about to die', Esau said, 'What good is the birthright to me?'  But Jacob said, 'Swear to me first.'  So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.  Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew.  He ate and drank, and then got up and left.  So Esau despised his birthright.  (Genesis 25:29-34).  The thing that strikes me about this story is how much Esau gave up for just a few moments of physical satisfaction.  He sacrificed what was good in the long term for what felt good in the short term.  He gave up WHO HE WAS in a moment of desperation."
Who are you?  Are you willing to give that up? 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Conquer Cravings? Redirect them to God.

I have started going over the book "Made To Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst for the women's Bible study at my church.  This past week was our first study and it was great!  Even though each one of us may be on completely different paths in regards to our food journeys, losing weight and getting healthier - it is so comforting and reassuring knowing that we all have the same connection through Christ and can be there for each other no matter where we are at personally. 
This week we discussed the introduction and chapters 1 and 2.  I love how Lysa writes about our "want to" in her introduction:  "It's not the 'how to' I'm missing.  It's the 'want to' ...really wanting to make changes and deciding that the results of those changes are worth the sacrifice."  I struggle with this all the time.  I do feel like I know what I should do, what I need to do, but I just am lacking the biggest part - the 'want to'.  And really I do 'want to', but is the 'want to' a deep enough 'want to', if that makes sense.  A lot of people have things that they 'want to' do, but is it enough of a priority to actually do something about it.  I know I'm on my path of changing my 'want to' to a 'I'm doing it - now!'
Made To Crave is an amazing book that really challenges you to put God into your food struggles and to realize that overeating and not taking care of your body does really matter to God!  He made you and loves you and does care if you are over doing it with food!  Sometimes I feel like I have "spiritual malnutrition".  Lysa talks about this, where you are physically overweight, but spiritually underweight.  She also writes,  "I am made for more than a vicious cycle of eating, gaining, stressing -- eating, gaining, stressing... I am made to rise up, do battle with my issues and, using the Lord's strength in me, defeat them - spiritually, physically, and mentally - to the glory of God." 
Satan intentionally chooses things that he knows will make us fall, he knows where we are weak and he will use that for all it's worth!  I know that when I'm battling in my mind whether I should eat more food or a certain sweet thing that I'm so engulfed with the obsession that it doesn't matter if I try walking away or talking to God because my mind is already on the "sin" and I can't get it off my mind.  Of course I know that God is right there for me to run to, but I don't want to pray for help because I want that piece of food more - my mind is focused on nothing else!  I hate that - because I truely do want to pray and run to God, but in that moment of weakness, I fail!  This is what I'm learning - I have to have things set up before hand - a plan that I can follow for when the thoughts start coming, because they will - especially for a while.  Satan is going to push and push you to see if you are serious about this new way of life.  I need to redirect it all to God - give it to God.  One way that I'm working on doing this is whenever I think of wanting to over do it and get off my plan, I open the Bible and just start reading.  You can't go wrong there, either your craving will pass or you just may feel guilty enough about reading the Bible and God talking to you that you won't continue to "sin".  This has been really good for me and God has shown me a number of verses to help me along my journey. When Satan was trying to tempt God, God quoted Scripture and so can we!  It is important to keep the verses that are speaking to you close to you - whether on a piece of paper or in your mind - memorization would be an amazing help! 
I know for me that my journey of changing my lifestyle to a healthy one and losing weight, the correct way is a spiritual issue for me.  I did not think that way all along.  God has really revealed to me that I am focusing too much on food and not on Him!  I felt like Lysa took these words out of my mouth when I read them in her book, "it was about this battle that raged in my heart.  I thought about, craved, and arranged my life too much around food.  So much so, I knew it was something God was challenging me to surrender to His control.  Really surrender."  My journey is about something more than just me and my physical looks and fitness, it is about my walk with God and making sure that He is the sole focus of my life!
I John 2:15-16  Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world."
From the book Lysa gives the definition for CRAVING (from  "something you long for, want greatly, desire greatly, and beg for."  She goes on to write, "Now consider this expression of craving: 'How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!  My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God' (Psalm 84:1-2).  We are made to crave - long for, want greatly, desire eagerly, and beg for --- God.  Only God."  ONLY GOD!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My First Triathlon.

About a year and a half ago Jason did his first triathlon.  I really wanted to be happy for him, I tried to be, but I was so sad that I couldn't do it, that I had let myself go so far that I could not have finished the race or if I could have finished it would have probably not been very enjoyable. 
At that time I was kind of starting my journey that I'm still on today, and not being able to do the triathlon really got me to start working harder at what I was trying to accomplish.  About 1 year ago we got new neighbors and God answered my prayers with my friend now, Sheila.  She's a personal trainer and took me under her wing and helped me get back into working out.  I had been praying that God would just bring someone into my life to really be able to help me, get me going.  At just the right times God has brought people into my life to help and encourage me.  So much has happened, has changed since that first early (!) morning run with her.  I have completed a 1/2 marathon and now the triathlon!!
I did a sprint triathlon sponsored by the YMCA.  It was a 350 yd swim, 13 mile bike and a 5k (3.1 mile) run.  I had SO much fun and am really glad that I did not attempt the triathlon a year ago, I think it would have been very discouraging to me. 
Jason was such a huge part in getting me ready.  It was great that he has done the triathlons because he told me what to expect and got me to unload some training items (socks/gloves) so I could get a better transition time.  I felt so comfortable the morning of the race, half the battle was knowing all the stuff Jason had told me about.  (Thanks, Jas!!)
First was the swim.  I really was quite comfortable swimming (I'm sure I didn't look the greatest though, gotta work on that stroke), I just looked down at the lane line and focused on my strokes.  I would get a little look around at each breath, but overall I could not really see all the flailing bodies around me.  I taught myself how to do the flip turns (which I'm sure the life guards got a good laugh from) :) and I'm so glad that I did, I didn't have to stop and see the chaos, but was able to keep a good motion and keep my head down.  It kind of got hectic at the end of the swim, everyone speeding up in the last two lanes, but overall it went so much better than I thought and I did it a minute faster than my training swims have been!!
The bike, ahhhhh... my favorite and strongest section.  I went ALL out.  During the ride I would see people coasting down the hills and be like "thank you", "thank you" - I was able to pass people that way because I used the hill to my advantage by pedaling and keeping a good pace down the hills and not coasting.  I was excited because only a few people passed me and I passed more people then the number of people that passed me (if that makes sense).  My legs were toast for the run, but I knew that I could push harder on the bike and get a better time than I could on the run.  My bike time was great for me and my run time actually ended up being right where I normally am.  I was not able to race at a faster pace, but was happy that I was not slower than my training pace. 
I won't get into all the times for the swim, bike, run and transitions, but just my overall time.  I wanted to finish in under 2 hrs and did it in 1.33.25!!! 
I had a "list" of things I wanted to do before we had kids:  Skydive - done.  Hike the Grand Canyon - done.  Run a marathon - done.  Triathlon - did not do.  At first I was thinking how I could have done so much better if I had done a triathlon before I had kids and that's probably true, I may have been faster, but it was so great having all 3 kids screaming at the top of their little lungs for me and ringing the cow bell!!  I loved it and what a great thing for them to be able to see - people coming together and working their hardest racing, seeing all the benefits from their training.  I love that Jason and I are examples to the kids of trying to be healthy and exercising.  Even if they don't race, that's not what is important.  I just want them to know the importance of taking care of the bodies that God gave them and if racing is a part of that, then great and if not, then great too!
I would love to do more triathlons, but now is not my season to pursue more triathlons.  I have the kids to focus on and I am happy to train for just running events - next big race - Governor's Cup 1/2 marathon in November.  Anyone want to join me?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Love To Eat, Hate To Eat.

Wow, it's been a little bit since I last wrote anything!  I was in Michigan enjoying my sister's wedding!  I thought I would have some extra time to get an entry written, but that didn't happen.  Before I get into writing about the book "Love To Eat, Hate To Eat", I wanted to share a little "note"/game from one of my sister's wedding showers.  I thought this was great because it used only fruits and veggies to fill in the blanks.  My aunt or cousin got it from on-line, but it is supposed to be a note from Sean (groom) to Mandie (my sister the bride):

I want you to know my heart BEETS for you!  I hope our relationship will SPROUT into something special.  If you CARROT all for me, why not ask your parents if they'll LETTUCE get married?  Since we CANTELOUPE I suppose you will want a big wedding.
Everyone knows I'm PLUM crazy about you!  You would be a PEACH of a wife; and I'm sure we would make a happy PEAR!  Although my CELERY isn't the greatest, I'll do my best to provide for your comfort.
Please do not SQUASH my hopes because it's a love like I have for you that could make a MANGO crazy!  You've been the APPLE of my eye so long; and my love for you is as strong as an ONION.  I trust you will never TURNIP your nose to me; I'll go to the river ENDIVE in.
Please reply BERRY soon I YAM truly yours.   Sean.      Thought that was cute!!  :)

Now onto the book that first convicted and changed me (well, really the Holy Spirit changed me, but the book was an avenue He used to help me see my downfalls!).  Pretty much what I'm writing today is coming right from the book.  Phrases, etc. that really stuck out to me.  There is sooo much I could write on, but I'm just focusing on a few areas and if you like it, I'd really recommend reading the whole book!  "Love To Eat, Hate To Eat" by Elyse Fitzpatrick.

"Tyranny is just the right word to use when it comes to the way many of us think about food, dieting, and our weight.  Tyranny is oppression.  It is enslavement.  It means that we're dominated by thoughts and habits that torment and overpower.  What will I eat next?  How much do I weigh today?  What do others think of me?  Why can't I get free of this?  Why can't I be like others?  The same questions fill our thoughts over and over as we agonize day after day, looking for answers.  Sometimes we try again; other times we just give up in frustration and discouragement.  What's more, we feel constant confusion because we're unsure of how our eating habits relate to our Christian faith, if at all.  We wonder about God's role in our lives and our response to Him.  Where is He?  What are His answers?  It seems as though He should be able to help, but why isn't He answering our prayers?  Why do we still struggle so?"
"Does God really care about how much we eat?  Yes, God really cares.  He cares because He loves you and me, and He cares because He created us to sparkle and shine with His light for others."
"You should be concerned about caring for your body for two reasons: first, because it is the creation of God.  And second, if you are a Christian, God purchased your body."
"Because Jesus paid such a price, not only for our bodies but also for our souls, we should seek to exalt Him in everything.  We should not allow any sin to defile the sanctuary where He has chosen, by His Spirit, to reside.  Let us remember 'the sighs, and tears, and groans that brought us...the agonies of the cross, the bitter pains of the death of God's own Son.  If we do so, we know that we must live for God, and for Him alone'.  When we are tempted to sin, let us think of the cross.  When Satan spreads out his allurements, let us recall the remembrance of the sufferings of Calvary, and remember that all these sorrows were endured so that we might be pure.  O how would sin appear were we beneath the cross, and did we feel the warm blood from the Saviour's open veins trickle upon us?  Who would dare indulge in sin there?  Who could do otherwise than devote himself, body, and soul. and spirit, unto God?  When you are thinking about stuffing down those extra slices of pizza, in defiance of His desire for you to be temperate in all things, think about Jesus on the cross.  Let that terribly beautiful vision of His love control you." 
"It is only as we interact with the Word of God that we find ourselves growing in our ability to judge our own thoughts and intentions."
"It is wrong to eat only when the purpose of that eating is simply to experience the pleasure of the crunch or the sweetness or the temperature in spite of God's good provision.  It is the heart that says, 'I know this is more than I need, and that I'm harming myself by having it, but I love the pleasure of this experience more than I love the pleasure of doing what pleases the Lord, so I'm just going to go ahead and satiate myself'."
"Gluttony is a sin, just as surely as drunkenness or adultery.  We must be convinced of the truth of this statement or we will never hate our sin enough to leave it.  If we don't see it as sin, we will try to keep it around (tame, on a leash) and bring it out when no one will be offended."
"As long as what you eat dominates your affections, thoughts, and behavior - even if you are eating small portions, starving yourself, or insisting on eating only "healthy" foods - your eating is gluttonous because your life is focused on food.  We can learn to judge if we are being gluttonous by the way that we respond to others when we don't get what we want to eat."
There are 4 steps that Elyse gives that I will just list and then she also goes through an acrostic "DISCIPLINED Eating" that I will also just list.  If you are interested in reading more about any of this, check out the book - like I said, there is so much to write about!
"Step 1 - Become convinced that your present method of eating is sinful and cease from it."
"Step 2 - Become convinced that God's methods for disciplined eating are right and begin practicing them."
"Step 3 - Seek diligently to change your mind and become conformed to God's thinking, especially in the area of your eating habits."
"Step 4 - Continue to practice these new thoughts and behaviors, even when the struggle gets hard."
"DISCIPLINED Eating - Doubt, Idolatry, Stumble, Coveting, Inroad, Praise, Life, Illustrate, No, Emotions, Distract, Enslaved."  She writes about each one of these in more detail. 

I Corinthians 10:31 "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

This book was the starting point of God convicting me to change my heart and mind about the way I was eating and treating my body!  I am not just trying to lose weight, but learning to be healthy by eating whole, natural and living foods.  I truly do love to eat and hate to eat, and I'm on a great journey of learning to love God more than food! 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Couple Recipes.

**Another note:  last post I said you can post anonymously, but you can post under name/url and it will post your name, also I have added a "search" bar so if you want to find recipes, you can type "recipes" in and it should bring up the posts that have recipe in the title. (Thank You Amy!)  :)

A couple recipes for today:

SMOOTHIE - good for breakfast!
1/2-1 cup berries (blueberries, blackberries...)
1-2 scoops protein powder (I use Pro Peas from Aim - can see under resources)
1/2-1 cup water, almond or coconut milk
1-2 Tablespoons flax or other oil (I use Olive Oil)
2-4 Tablespoons flax meal
Mix all ingredients into a blender.

FAJITAS - sugar free marinate
You can do vegetarian or with meat.
1-2 pounds meat, cut into strips (I dice the chicken when I make it so it's easier for the kids to eat because we also use corn chips to scoop and eat instead of shells sometimes).
1 medium onion, sliced
2 large bell peppers, which ever colors you like
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup lime juice
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 tablespoons oil

Combine soy sauce, lime juice, oil and chili powder in a small bowl and mix.  Marinate chicken (or whichever meat you choose) and veggies for at least on hour, but preferably overnight (I actually don't like how strong the marinate taste can get, so I marinate for a very short time). 
Cook meat and veggies separately in a skillet at high temperature until done.  Can add in broccoli, carrots and even small potatoes to fajitas.
Serve with salsa, cilantro, guacamole or anything else that you enjoy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hallelujah Diet.

**I have finally figured out how people can comment on my blog.  Before it made you make an account, but now you should be able to comment under "anonymous" and then sign your name so I know who sent it.  :)  If you have questions, I would love to answer them - or find answers for you.  You may also commment on facebook or my email:
I have been adding some gadgets to my blog so please be patient as I try to get things all set up and in the right spot on the page.  I am trying to figure how I can also add a "Recipe" spot.  I hope to have that ready soon.**
Today I wanted to let you know of a very cool website,  It is for Hallelujah Acres, founder of the Hallelujah Diet.  "Hallelujah Acres® is a non-denominational Christian ministry that provides education, products, services, and other resources to help people everywhere understand and practice God's ways to ultimate health. We hope that you will find both the information and inspiration to get on the road to health and to stay healthy for life." 
I loved reading about Hallelujah Acres because they are based from Genesis 1:29 like I am!  The farm is only 2 hrs from my home and I would love to go and see it sometime and learn so much from them!  I hope you have a chance to check out the website and see what all you can learn - they have been doing this a lot longer then me!  And it's been working!!

 I encourage you to add 1 piece of raw food to your day tomorrow! 

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Small Victory After A Small Defeat.

Sometimes you have to find victory in the smallest things to get you through to the ultimate victory you are striving for.  For me, I am trying to stay away from sweets - no sugar and this week has been hard.  I haven't felt the best so I missed a couple days of workouts and just got off track and bought some peanut M&M's.  I was annoyed with myself after I ate them and felt defeated - again!  Am I ever going to be able to just give this sugar up?  Today on my way home from swimming I started thinking about getting more M&M's.  I was doing pretty good not having sugar, but once I let that stuff touch my lips, I wanted more - well, my heart and brain did not want more, but my weak flesh wanted more.  I thought, it's just a little and I'll get back on track tomorrow.  The thing is, that is what I thought the time before when I bought the M&M's!  As I have a little battle in my mind, I realize that I have been listening to my kids worship CD and have played this song over because it just caught my attention and I loved it.  The song was "How Great Is Our God".  So, I'm happy to say that I passed the store singing at the top of my lungs to this song and felt a sweet little piece of victory, I got past my struggle for today!  All the way home, I listened to this song over and over with my hand out the window lifted up (a couple people waving, thinking that I was waving at them).  :)
This is what my journey is all about - small victories, leading me to a large victory!  All credit and glory to God for helping me get through this temptation for today! 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beautiful Chaos No More.

So I have told you where I came up with the name Eden's Menu, now I'll tell you a little bit of how I came to the place of wanting to start Eden's Menu.
Growing up I remember people always calling my dad a "health nut" because he ate a ton of granola and bagels, so I ate that stuff too because I wanted to be healthy.  Today it is funny how much more of a health nut my dad is, now more of the correct way - whole, living, natural foods. 
I have always been interested in nutrition but once I was married and was done with organized college sports, I noticed that slowly I was gaining weight and not feeling as active and energetic.  This went on for years, never thinking much about it.  Then I had 3 kids quite close together, so that didn't help with the weight issues.  Not until the last year or two did I realize that it's more of a problem.  I tried different diets and exercise plans and would do good for a little bit, but then get back into a bad rut.  Last year God really spoke to me and made me realize that I was looking everywhere and to everyone, but Him!  Why shouldn't this be something I come to God with - really come to God with.  Not just pray "God change me", but realizing that I have to do my part, God is here to get me through it - He will get me through this!  I read a book called "Love To Eat, Hate To Eat" and it changed my thinking completely!!  It really convicted me!  I was addicted to food and especially to sugar and I had to do something about it, I could not go on like I was.  It is a sin for me to be eating like I was - idolatry - food was my idol, not God.  That hit me hard, and I didn't want to be like that or mean to be like that.  Sugar is just soooooo addicting - more than some street drugs (read Sugar Blues).  My addiction is like any other addiction - alcohol, cigarettes, sexual immorality - I'm a glutton!  Since my eye opening time from God I have been striving to get healthy - the right way - change my life style, not just get to a weight goal.  I still feel like I'm not totally in control of my food issues, but I think that if I get to the point where I feel totally in control, I might take God out of the picture a little too much, like I was before.  I know that I will fail still, but my failures have been shorter and farther apart.  I am learning a ton and am excited to wait on the Lord and see what door(s) He opens for me (like starting Eden's Menu to hopefully help others)!
Confusion and a cluttered mind have been what I feel like lately - with some different issues in life and especially with food.  While reading another book (The Daniel Fast) (which I will write other blogs on each of the books I mention) it talks of how Daniel was not stressed because he lived his life obedient to God.  Daniel didn't quick go and pray when he was faced with a trial, he lived his life spending time with God and praying so he was prepared for the trials.  This is how I have to be with food (and my spiritual life for sure!), you have to have a plan, be prepared so when you are tempted you are able to get through it.  This is from The Daniel Fast "I purposed to build every part of my life on the Word of God.  Every morning I make the choice to live a faith-driven life.  I try to make every word I say and every action I take line up with the Word of God."  God is not a God of confusion and does not want or make us live a confused life - we do that to ourselves!  I used to use this phrase in regards to my house and 3 small kids "Beautiful Chaos", but I have been thinking about that phrase and I don't like it anymore because chaos is as stated in the dictionary "a state of utter confusion" and that is not what I want my house and family to be associated with.  I want stress, chaos and confusion out and Christ in as the center!
I feel like I'm always learning and that is because I'm always failing.  We are sinners and always come short - we miss the mark (sin).  We can make all these nice charts and weight goals and food plans, but only with God can we even begin to overcome our temptations! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Plants of the Bible.

As I was looking into and researching Genesis 1:29 and coming up with the name Eden's Menu, I looked in my Bible dictionary and I found some information that was interesting to me and pretty cool about seeds and the plants of the Bible. 

 Jesus used seeds as examples in his parables (wheat and the tares Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 and the mustard seed Matthew 13:31-32).  Next what I read was how Jesus compared His own death and resurrection in a figurative sense to the sowing of seeds.  In John 12:23-24 it says, "Jesus replied, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.  I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds'."  I thought this was cool!  The wheat will stay just a single seed unless it falls from the place it is growing - to the ground and dies.  Then it will produce more fruit.  Like how Jesus' death covered our sins and produced many followers and still continues to produce followers today!

"The Hebrew people were certain that God provided the Promised Land for their use, but they were not careful to take good care of it.  The land was cultivated continuously for thousands of years without rest until much of the soil was depleted and many areas became devastated wastelands.  The great forests of Lebanon and Hermon were eventually destroyed and the soil was eroded.  The people of the time did not know how to manage their environment intelligently.  Eventually the land became barren of much of its vegetation.  Today many of these barren regions of the Holy Land are being turned again into fertile farmland.  Effort is being made to restore the richness of the land as God intended it to be."(Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary). 
I think this is all interesting and can see America not using our environment intelligently and having issues with our farmland, our problems being more with the abuse of pesticides.  I think sometimes there are too many pesticides used to grow the food so it will look large and appealing to the eye and then more pesticides to keep it that way while it travels to its destination - sometimes across the country.  Not only the farmland is being changed every time a new seed is being planted, but our bodies are getting the effects of that too!  I know with the Hebrew people God gave them the Promised Land and America is definitely not the Promised Land, but it is the land that God gave us and we need to make sure we are taking care of it - so we can take care of our bodies with the food that is grown from it!

Plants or plant products are mentioned in almost every book of the Bible!  Here's the list of plants that are talked about in the Bible.  I won't give all the descriptions and definitions of them, so if there is one that you want more information about, let me know.  :)
Acacia; Algum, Almug; Almond; Aloes; Amaranth; Anise; Apple (many authorities believe the apple of Scripture actually is the apricot); Apricot; Ash; Aspen; Asphodel; Balm; Balsam; Barley; Bay Tree; Beans; Bitter weed; Black Cummin; Box Tree; Bramble; Brier; Broom; Bud; Bulrush; Calamus; Camel-thorn; Camphire; Cane; Caperberry; Caraway; Cassia; Cedar; Chestnut; Cinnamon; Citron; Coriander; Corn; Crocus; Cucumber; Cummin; Cyress; Darnel; Date; Dill; Dove Droppings/Dove Dung (seriously, it's listed!); Ebony; Elm; Fig; Fir; Fitches; Flag; Flax; Frankincense; Galbanum; Gall; Garlic; Gopherwood; Gourd; Grapes; Hazel; Heath; Hemlock; Henna; Hyssop; Ilex; Juniper; Laurel; Leek; Lentil; Lign Aloe; Lily; Locust; Lotus; Mallow; Mandrake; Marjoram; Melon; Millet; Mint; Mulberry; Mustard; Myrrh; Myrtle; Nard; Nettle; Oak; Oil Tree; Olive; Onion; Onycha; Palm; Pannag; Papyrus; Pine; Pistachio Nut; Plane; Pomegranate; Poplar; Raisin; Reed/Rush; Rose; Rue; Rye; Saffron; Salt Herb; Saltwort; Shittah Tree; Shittim Wood; Spelt; Spikenard; Stacte; Straw; Sycamine; Sycamore; Tamarisk; Tares; Teil; Terebinth; Thistles/Thorns; Thyine; Vine; Watermelon; Wheat; Willow; Wormwood.
Not every plant is an edible one, but this is a list of all the plants that were mentioned in the Bible dictionary.  Next time you are grocery shopping see how many things from the list you can find!  :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Do crackers and granola bars have seeds?

I have been thinking about starting this blog for a while and yesterday I decided to go for it.  It made me smile when yesterday during the day Canyon was eating a snack and asked if his crackers and granola bar had seeds in it?  We have talked about fruits and vegetables, but I took the opportunity and was able to explain even more about it all and I told him about the Garden of Eden and how they had perfect food, but once Adam and Eve sinned (explained to him what a sin is also) they were not allowed to live in the perfect garden.  And from then on food has changed and changed and changed.  Letting him know that food that comes in a box/bag is processed - people added a bunch of different things to make that food and some of it is not good for us.  He pipes in "like sugar", and I was happy to acknowledge his correct answer!!  "Especially sugar", I said.  I even used the word "modified", but I don't think he'll be remembering that word anytime soon.  It was another great chance to teach him (and Cadence was listening a little) the reason why fruits and veggies are so important for us to eat.  It was good to talk about sin also and what that was.  He listened to it all and was satisfied.  I asked if he understood it and as he was walking away he said, "yeah...I knew all that."  :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Genesis 1:29

Then God said, "I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food."  Genesis 1:29
I am by no means eating all raw foods, but this verse really stuck out to me the other day and has renewed a challenge for me to eat more raw food.  There are so many benefits to eating foods that are not processed.  I got to thinking about how God gave us a picture of what eating was like in a perfect world.  The Fall had not happened yet, sin was not in the world yet.  I know it is not realistic for us to eat from a perfect menu like what would have been found in the garden of Eden, but I know it is so worth the effort of trying!  Your body will thank you!  I have been on a journey with food - too much of it and not the right kind!  I have been learning through this whole process and would love to help others find their perfect menu like that found in the garden of Eden.  Everybody's bodies are different and react or respond differently to foods, but everybody can and will benefit with introducing some raw food into their diet!  The easiest way to introduce more raw food into your diet is to eat a little something raw before each meal.  Fruit for breakfast and veggies or fruit for lunch and dinner.
This blog is not meant to only talk about raw food, but hopefully be an encouragement to anyone on a food journey like me.  I have been fighting the mental and emotional side of eating issues, not just the physical "diet" issues.  I will post about all kinds of things about food and most importantly how God has to be what you crave and not the food.  Great book on that - which I'll talk more about later.