Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Couple Recipes.

**Another note:  last post I said you can post anonymously, but you can post under name/url and it will post your name, also I have added a "search" bar so if you want to find recipes, you can type "recipes" in and it should bring up the posts that have recipe in the title. (Thank You Amy!)  :)

A couple recipes for today:

SMOOTHIE - good for breakfast!
1/2-1 cup berries (blueberries, blackberries...)
1-2 scoops protein powder (I use Pro Peas from Aim - can see under resources)
1/2-1 cup water, almond or coconut milk
1-2 Tablespoons flax or other oil (I use Olive Oil)
2-4 Tablespoons flax meal
Mix all ingredients into a blender.

FAJITAS - sugar free marinate
You can do vegetarian or with meat.
1-2 pounds meat, cut into strips (I dice the chicken when I make it so it's easier for the kids to eat because we also use corn chips to scoop and eat instead of shells sometimes).
1 medium onion, sliced
2 large bell peppers, which ever colors you like
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup lime juice
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 tablespoons oil

Combine soy sauce, lime juice, oil and chili powder in a small bowl and mix.  Marinate chicken (or whichever meat you choose) and veggies for at least on hour, but preferably overnight (I actually don't like how strong the marinate taste can get, so I marinate for a very short time). 
Cook meat and veggies separately in a skillet at high temperature until done.  Can add in broccoli, carrots and even small potatoes to fajitas.
Serve with salsa, cilantro, guacamole or anything else that you enjoy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hallelujah Diet.

**I have finally figured out how people can comment on my blog.  Before it made you make an account, but now you should be able to comment under "anonymous" and then sign your name so I know who sent it.  :)  If you have questions, I would love to answer them - or find answers for you.  You may also commment on facebook or my email:
I have been adding some gadgets to my blog so please be patient as I try to get things all set up and in the right spot on the page.  I am trying to figure how I can also add a "Recipe" spot.  I hope to have that ready soon.**
Today I wanted to let you know of a very cool website,  It is for Hallelujah Acres, founder of the Hallelujah Diet.  "Hallelujah Acres® is a non-denominational Christian ministry that provides education, products, services, and other resources to help people everywhere understand and practice God's ways to ultimate health. We hope that you will find both the information and inspiration to get on the road to health and to stay healthy for life." 
I loved reading about Hallelujah Acres because they are based from Genesis 1:29 like I am!  The farm is only 2 hrs from my home and I would love to go and see it sometime and learn so much from them!  I hope you have a chance to check out the website and see what all you can learn - they have been doing this a lot longer then me!  And it's been working!!

 I encourage you to add 1 piece of raw food to your day tomorrow! 

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Small Victory After A Small Defeat.

Sometimes you have to find victory in the smallest things to get you through to the ultimate victory you are striving for.  For me, I am trying to stay away from sweets - no sugar and this week has been hard.  I haven't felt the best so I missed a couple days of workouts and just got off track and bought some peanut M&M's.  I was annoyed with myself after I ate them and felt defeated - again!  Am I ever going to be able to just give this sugar up?  Today on my way home from swimming I started thinking about getting more M&M's.  I was doing pretty good not having sugar, but once I let that stuff touch my lips, I wanted more - well, my heart and brain did not want more, but my weak flesh wanted more.  I thought, it's just a little and I'll get back on track tomorrow.  The thing is, that is what I thought the time before when I bought the M&M's!  As I have a little battle in my mind, I realize that I have been listening to my kids worship CD and have played this song over because it just caught my attention and I loved it.  The song was "How Great Is Our God".  So, I'm happy to say that I passed the store singing at the top of my lungs to this song and felt a sweet little piece of victory, I got past my struggle for today!  All the way home, I listened to this song over and over with my hand out the window lifted up (a couple people waving, thinking that I was waving at them).  :)
This is what my journey is all about - small victories, leading me to a large victory!  All credit and glory to God for helping me get through this temptation for today! 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beautiful Chaos No More.

So I have told you where I came up with the name Eden's Menu, now I'll tell you a little bit of how I came to the place of wanting to start Eden's Menu.
Growing up I remember people always calling my dad a "health nut" because he ate a ton of granola and bagels, so I ate that stuff too because I wanted to be healthy.  Today it is funny how much more of a health nut my dad is, now more of the correct way - whole, living, natural foods. 
I have always been interested in nutrition but once I was married and was done with organized college sports, I noticed that slowly I was gaining weight and not feeling as active and energetic.  This went on for years, never thinking much about it.  Then I had 3 kids quite close together, so that didn't help with the weight issues.  Not until the last year or two did I realize that it's more of a problem.  I tried different diets and exercise plans and would do good for a little bit, but then get back into a bad rut.  Last year God really spoke to me and made me realize that I was looking everywhere and to everyone, but Him!  Why shouldn't this be something I come to God with - really come to God with.  Not just pray "God change me", but realizing that I have to do my part, God is here to get me through it - He will get me through this!  I read a book called "Love To Eat, Hate To Eat" and it changed my thinking completely!!  It really convicted me!  I was addicted to food and especially to sugar and I had to do something about it, I could not go on like I was.  It is a sin for me to be eating like I was - idolatry - food was my idol, not God.  That hit me hard, and I didn't want to be like that or mean to be like that.  Sugar is just soooooo addicting - more than some street drugs (read Sugar Blues).  My addiction is like any other addiction - alcohol, cigarettes, sexual immorality - I'm a glutton!  Since my eye opening time from God I have been striving to get healthy - the right way - change my life style, not just get to a weight goal.  I still feel like I'm not totally in control of my food issues, but I think that if I get to the point where I feel totally in control, I might take God out of the picture a little too much, like I was before.  I know that I will fail still, but my failures have been shorter and farther apart.  I am learning a ton and am excited to wait on the Lord and see what door(s) He opens for me (like starting Eden's Menu to hopefully help others)!
Confusion and a cluttered mind have been what I feel like lately - with some different issues in life and especially with food.  While reading another book (The Daniel Fast) (which I will write other blogs on each of the books I mention) it talks of how Daniel was not stressed because he lived his life obedient to God.  Daniel didn't quick go and pray when he was faced with a trial, he lived his life spending time with God and praying so he was prepared for the trials.  This is how I have to be with food (and my spiritual life for sure!), you have to have a plan, be prepared so when you are tempted you are able to get through it.  This is from The Daniel Fast "I purposed to build every part of my life on the Word of God.  Every morning I make the choice to live a faith-driven life.  I try to make every word I say and every action I take line up with the Word of God."  God is not a God of confusion and does not want or make us live a confused life - we do that to ourselves!  I used to use this phrase in regards to my house and 3 small kids "Beautiful Chaos", but I have been thinking about that phrase and I don't like it anymore because chaos is as stated in the dictionary "a state of utter confusion" and that is not what I want my house and family to be associated with.  I want stress, chaos and confusion out and Christ in as the center!
I feel like I'm always learning and that is because I'm always failing.  We are sinners and always come short - we miss the mark (sin).  We can make all these nice charts and weight goals and food plans, but only with God can we even begin to overcome our temptations! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Plants of the Bible.

As I was looking into and researching Genesis 1:29 and coming up with the name Eden's Menu, I looked in my Bible dictionary and I found some information that was interesting to me and pretty cool about seeds and the plants of the Bible. 

 Jesus used seeds as examples in his parables (wheat and the tares Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 and the mustard seed Matthew 13:31-32).  Next what I read was how Jesus compared His own death and resurrection in a figurative sense to the sowing of seeds.  In John 12:23-24 it says, "Jesus replied, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.  I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds'."  I thought this was cool!  The wheat will stay just a single seed unless it falls from the place it is growing - to the ground and dies.  Then it will produce more fruit.  Like how Jesus' death covered our sins and produced many followers and still continues to produce followers today!

"The Hebrew people were certain that God provided the Promised Land for their use, but they were not careful to take good care of it.  The land was cultivated continuously for thousands of years without rest until much of the soil was depleted and many areas became devastated wastelands.  The great forests of Lebanon and Hermon were eventually destroyed and the soil was eroded.  The people of the time did not know how to manage their environment intelligently.  Eventually the land became barren of much of its vegetation.  Today many of these barren regions of the Holy Land are being turned again into fertile farmland.  Effort is being made to restore the richness of the land as God intended it to be."(Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary). 
I think this is all interesting and can see America not using our environment intelligently and having issues with our farmland, our problems being more with the abuse of pesticides.  I think sometimes there are too many pesticides used to grow the food so it will look large and appealing to the eye and then more pesticides to keep it that way while it travels to its destination - sometimes across the country.  Not only the farmland is being changed every time a new seed is being planted, but our bodies are getting the effects of that too!  I know with the Hebrew people God gave them the Promised Land and America is definitely not the Promised Land, but it is the land that God gave us and we need to make sure we are taking care of it - so we can take care of our bodies with the food that is grown from it!

Plants or plant products are mentioned in almost every book of the Bible!  Here's the list of plants that are talked about in the Bible.  I won't give all the descriptions and definitions of them, so if there is one that you want more information about, let me know.  :)
Acacia; Algum, Almug; Almond; Aloes; Amaranth; Anise; Apple (many authorities believe the apple of Scripture actually is the apricot); Apricot; Ash; Aspen; Asphodel; Balm; Balsam; Barley; Bay Tree; Beans; Bitter weed; Black Cummin; Box Tree; Bramble; Brier; Broom; Bud; Bulrush; Calamus; Camel-thorn; Camphire; Cane; Caperberry; Caraway; Cassia; Cedar; Chestnut; Cinnamon; Citron; Coriander; Corn; Crocus; Cucumber; Cummin; Cyress; Darnel; Date; Dill; Dove Droppings/Dove Dung (seriously, it's listed!); Ebony; Elm; Fig; Fir; Fitches; Flag; Flax; Frankincense; Galbanum; Gall; Garlic; Gopherwood; Gourd; Grapes; Hazel; Heath; Hemlock; Henna; Hyssop; Ilex; Juniper; Laurel; Leek; Lentil; Lign Aloe; Lily; Locust; Lotus; Mallow; Mandrake; Marjoram; Melon; Millet; Mint; Mulberry; Mustard; Myrrh; Myrtle; Nard; Nettle; Oak; Oil Tree; Olive; Onion; Onycha; Palm; Pannag; Papyrus; Pine; Pistachio Nut; Plane; Pomegranate; Poplar; Raisin; Reed/Rush; Rose; Rue; Rye; Saffron; Salt Herb; Saltwort; Shittah Tree; Shittim Wood; Spelt; Spikenard; Stacte; Straw; Sycamine; Sycamore; Tamarisk; Tares; Teil; Terebinth; Thistles/Thorns; Thyine; Vine; Watermelon; Wheat; Willow; Wormwood.
Not every plant is an edible one, but this is a list of all the plants that were mentioned in the Bible dictionary.  Next time you are grocery shopping see how many things from the list you can find!  :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Do crackers and granola bars have seeds?

I have been thinking about starting this blog for a while and yesterday I decided to go for it.  It made me smile when yesterday during the day Canyon was eating a snack and asked if his crackers and granola bar had seeds in it?  We have talked about fruits and vegetables, but I took the opportunity and was able to explain even more about it all and I told him about the Garden of Eden and how they had perfect food, but once Adam and Eve sinned (explained to him what a sin is also) they were not allowed to live in the perfect garden.  And from then on food has changed and changed and changed.  Letting him know that food that comes in a box/bag is processed - people added a bunch of different things to make that food and some of it is not good for us.  He pipes in "like sugar", and I was happy to acknowledge his correct answer!!  "Especially sugar", I said.  I even used the word "modified", but I don't think he'll be remembering that word anytime soon.  It was another great chance to teach him (and Cadence was listening a little) the reason why fruits and veggies are so important for us to eat.  It was good to talk about sin also and what that was.  He listened to it all and was satisfied.  I asked if he understood it and as he was walking away he said, "yeah...I knew all that."  :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Genesis 1:29

Then God said, "I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food."  Genesis 1:29
I am by no means eating all raw foods, but this verse really stuck out to me the other day and has renewed a challenge for me to eat more raw food.  There are so many benefits to eating foods that are not processed.  I got to thinking about how God gave us a picture of what eating was like in a perfect world.  The Fall had not happened yet, sin was not in the world yet.  I know it is not realistic for us to eat from a perfect menu like what would have been found in the garden of Eden, but I know it is so worth the effort of trying!  Your body will thank you!  I have been on a journey with food - too much of it and not the right kind!  I have been learning through this whole process and would love to help others find their perfect menu like that found in the garden of Eden.  Everybody's bodies are different and react or respond differently to foods, but everybody can and will benefit with introducing some raw food into their diet!  The easiest way to introduce more raw food into your diet is to eat a little something raw before each meal.  Fruit for breakfast and veggies or fruit for lunch and dinner.
This blog is not meant to only talk about raw food, but hopefully be an encouragement to anyone on a food journey like me.  I have been fighting the mental and emotional side of eating issues, not just the physical "diet" issues.  I will post about all kinds of things about food and most importantly how God has to be what you crave and not the food.  Great book on that - which I'll talk more about later.