Then God said, "I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29
I am by no means eating all raw foods, but this verse really stuck out to me the other day and has renewed a challenge for me to eat more raw food. There are so many benefits to eating foods that are not processed. I got to thinking about how God gave us a picture of what eating was like in a perfect world. The Fall had not happened yet, sin was not in the world yet. I know it is not realistic for us to eat from a perfect menu like what would have been found in the garden of Eden, but I know it is so worth the effort of trying! Your body will thank you! I have been on a journey with food - too much of it and not the right kind! I have been learning through this whole process and would love to help others find their perfect menu like that found in the garden of Eden. Everybody's bodies are different and react or respond differently to foods, but everybody can and will benefit with introducing some raw food into their diet! The easiest way to introduce more raw food into your diet is to eat a little something raw before each meal. Fruit for breakfast and veggies or fruit for lunch and dinner.
This blog is not meant to only talk about raw food, but hopefully be an encouragement to anyone on a food journey like me. I have been fighting the mental and emotional side of eating issues, not just the physical "diet" issues. I will post about all kinds of things about food and most importantly how God has to be what you crave and not the food. Great book on that - which I'll talk more about later.
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