As I was looking into and researching Genesis 1:29 and coming up with the name Eden's Menu, I looked in my Bible dictionary and I found some information that was interesting to me and pretty cool about seeds and the plants of the Bible.
Jesus used seeds as examples in his parables (wheat and the tares Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 and the mustard seed Matthew 13:31-32). Next what I read was how Jesus compared His own death and resurrection in a figurative sense to the sowing of seeds. In John 12:23-24 it says, "Jesus replied, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds'." I thought this was cool! The wheat will stay just a single seed unless it falls from the place it is growing - to the ground and dies. Then it will produce more fruit. Like how Jesus' death covered our sins and produced many followers and still continues to produce followers today!
"The Hebrew people were certain that God provided the Promised Land for their use, but they were not careful to take good care of it. The land was cultivated continuously for thousands of years without rest until much of the soil was depleted and many areas became devastated wastelands. The great forests of Lebanon and Hermon were eventually destroyed and the soil was eroded. The people of the time did not know how to manage their environment intelligently. Eventually the land became barren of much of its vegetation. Today many of these barren regions of the Holy Land are being turned again into fertile farmland. Effort is being made to restore the richness of the land as God intended it to be."(Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary).
I think this is all interesting and can see America not using our environment intelligently and having issues with our farmland, our problems being more with the abuse of pesticides. I think sometimes there are too many pesticides used to grow the food so it will look large and appealing to the eye and then more pesticides to keep it that way while it travels to its destination - sometimes across the country. Not only the farmland is being changed every time a new seed is being planted, but our bodies are getting the effects of that too! I know with the Hebrew people God gave them the Promised Land and America is definitely not the Promised Land, but it is the land that God gave us and we need to make sure we are taking care of it - so we can take care of our bodies with the food that is grown from it!
Plants or plant products are mentioned in almost every book of the Bible! Here's the list of plants that are talked about in the Bible. I won't give all the descriptions and definitions of them, so if there is one that you want more information about, let me know. :)
Acacia; Algum, Almug; Almond; Aloes; Amaranth; Anise; Apple (many authorities believe the apple of Scripture actually is the apricot); Apricot; Ash; Aspen; Asphodel; Balm; Balsam; Barley; Bay Tree; Beans; Bitter weed; Black Cummin; Box Tree; Bramble; Brier; Broom; Bud; Bulrush; Calamus; Camel-thorn; Camphire; Cane; Caperberry; Caraway; Cassia; Cedar; Chestnut; Cinnamon; Citron; Coriander; Corn; Crocus; Cucumber; Cummin; Cyress; Darnel; Date; Dill; Dove Droppings/Dove Dung (seriously, it's listed!); Ebony; Elm; Fig; Fir; Fitches; Flag; Flax; Frankincense; Galbanum; Gall; Garlic; Gopherwood; Gourd; Grapes; Hazel; Heath; Hemlock; Henna; Hyssop; Ilex; Juniper; Laurel; Leek; Lentil; Lign Aloe; Lily; Locust; Lotus; Mallow; Mandrake; Marjoram; Melon; Millet; Mint; Mulberry; Mustard; Myrrh; Myrtle; Nard; Nettle; Oak; Oil Tree; Olive; Onion; Onycha; Palm; Pannag; Papyrus; Pine; Pistachio Nut; Plane; Pomegranate; Poplar; Raisin; Reed/Rush; Rose; Rue; Rye; Saffron; Salt Herb; Saltwort; Shittah Tree; Shittim Wood; Spelt; Spikenard; Stacte; Straw; Sycamine; Sycamore; Tamarisk; Tares; Teil; Terebinth; Thistles/Thorns; Thyine; Vine; Watermelon; Wheat; Willow; Wormwood.
Not every plant is an edible one, but this is a list of all the plants that were mentioned in the Bible dictionary. Next time you are grocery shopping see how many things from the list you can find! :)
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