Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beautiful Chaos No More.

So I have told you where I came up with the name Eden's Menu, now I'll tell you a little bit of how I came to the place of wanting to start Eden's Menu.
Growing up I remember people always calling my dad a "health nut" because he ate a ton of granola and bagels, so I ate that stuff too because I wanted to be healthy.  Today it is funny how much more of a health nut my dad is, now more of the correct way - whole, living, natural foods. 
I have always been interested in nutrition but once I was married and was done with organized college sports, I noticed that slowly I was gaining weight and not feeling as active and energetic.  This went on for years, never thinking much about it.  Then I had 3 kids quite close together, so that didn't help with the weight issues.  Not until the last year or two did I realize that it's more of a problem.  I tried different diets and exercise plans and would do good for a little bit, but then get back into a bad rut.  Last year God really spoke to me and made me realize that I was looking everywhere and to everyone, but Him!  Why shouldn't this be something I come to God with - really come to God with.  Not just pray "God change me", but realizing that I have to do my part, God is here to get me through it - He will get me through this!  I read a book called "Love To Eat, Hate To Eat" and it changed my thinking completely!!  It really convicted me!  I was addicted to food and especially to sugar and I had to do something about it, I could not go on like I was.  It is a sin for me to be eating like I was - idolatry - food was my idol, not God.  That hit me hard, and I didn't want to be like that or mean to be like that.  Sugar is just soooooo addicting - more than some street drugs (read Sugar Blues).  My addiction is like any other addiction - alcohol, cigarettes, sexual immorality - I'm a glutton!  Since my eye opening time from God I have been striving to get healthy - the right way - change my life style, not just get to a weight goal.  I still feel like I'm not totally in control of my food issues, but I think that if I get to the point where I feel totally in control, I might take God out of the picture a little too much, like I was before.  I know that I will fail still, but my failures have been shorter and farther apart.  I am learning a ton and am excited to wait on the Lord and see what door(s) He opens for me (like starting Eden's Menu to hopefully help others)!
Confusion and a cluttered mind have been what I feel like lately - with some different issues in life and especially with food.  While reading another book (The Daniel Fast) (which I will write other blogs on each of the books I mention) it talks of how Daniel was not stressed because he lived his life obedient to God.  Daniel didn't quick go and pray when he was faced with a trial, he lived his life spending time with God and praying so he was prepared for the trials.  This is how I have to be with food (and my spiritual life for sure!), you have to have a plan, be prepared so when you are tempted you are able to get through it.  This is from The Daniel Fast "I purposed to build every part of my life on the Word of God.  Every morning I make the choice to live a faith-driven life.  I try to make every word I say and every action I take line up with the Word of God."  God is not a God of confusion and does not want or make us live a confused life - we do that to ourselves!  I used to use this phrase in regards to my house and 3 small kids "Beautiful Chaos", but I have been thinking about that phrase and I don't like it anymore because chaos is as stated in the dictionary "a state of utter confusion" and that is not what I want my house and family to be associated with.  I want stress, chaos and confusion out and Christ in as the center!
I feel like I'm always learning and that is because I'm always failing.  We are sinners and always come short - we miss the mark (sin).  We can make all these nice charts and weight goals and food plans, but only with God can we even begin to overcome our temptations! 

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