Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

Sunday, August 14, 2011

You Are Made For More...You Are Made For Victory!

I am a little behind with my blogs because I have been preparing and starting to homeschool.  We had a great first week and so now I'm trying to catch back up!  I have been trying to write weekly what we have been covering in our Bible study at church (going over the book Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst).
Over the last couple weeks we have discussed how we are made for more.  God has some awesome plans for each and every one of us.  We need to come to God and ask Him to show us what our "more" is.  I love Lysa's prayer with regards to this, "God, I recognize I am made for more than the vicious cycle of being ruled by food.  I need to eat to live, not live to eat.  So, I keep asking for Your wisdom to know what to eat and Your indwelling power to walk away from things that are not beneficial for me".  You may know in your heart that you are not on the right path with eating or whatever your idol may be, it's also important though for you to know that we have a mighty power available to us (if we are a child of God) - we have the same power available to us that raised Jesus from the dead!  Think of that!  It is so important to have a hope and power beyond yourself and you find that in Christ!!  It is great if you already know in your heart that you need to change something because then you are one step closer to changing your mind so you are able to experience victory!!  You don't have to have it in your head that you are always going to have to deal with your weight, self-image or your can change and you can have victory in this area of your life!!  You are important and deserve it and God wants it for you!! 
Can you do what God wants you to do?  What He has called you to do?  Your heart may be open and available to do anything for God, but your weight/health could be holding you back.  Don't get distracted by physical food in your spiritual calling from God!  "Breaking free from consuming thoughts about food allows us to see and pursue our calling with more confidence and clarity" - not confusion, grogginess, irritability, sleepiness and frustration!
If we are working towards being closer to God, positioning our hearts in line with Him and His Word, then our "mind games" will be different, and it will be easier to get through a temptation or distraction from what we know is right.  If we have God's Word's memorized then we have a stronger shield to help us with the temptation.  We need to make a choice to listen to the Holy Spirit, even when the road gets tough!  We need to accept that our journey will be hard and sometimes not fun, but we need to stop giving up and just do it!!  Obey God with all that we do.  Don't worry so much about the number on the scale for this week, work on obedience.  Things will come together better if that is our focus.
"For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their destiny is destruction, THEIR gOD IS THEIR STOMACH, and their glory is in their shame.  Their mind is on earthly things" Philippians 3:18-19.
A good question to ask yourself (from Lysa), "Did I feel that, at any time, I ran to food instead of God?"  Fix your focus on God, not food!! 

1 comment:

  1. As usual that spoke to right where I am at with my battle with foods. I too am working at my devos/time with God. I always have said that if you are not in a close relationship with God, you might not be able to recognize his voice when he speaks to you. I want to be able to hear His voice above all others. Thanks for the encouragement. M♥m
