Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's such a hassle being addicted to sugar (and food)!

Today is my 1 year anniversary of eating no sweets!  By sweets I mean, no chocolate, donuts, cake, muffins, candy, pie, frosting, cookies, etc.  I never imagined I could do this and then to be totally ok with it by the end of the year.  My mind has changed directions.  I think back to how much of a hassle it was to be addicted to sugar and food!  The money that was wasted on it all, the time it took physically to get the "drugs" and the wasted time of my mind trying to figure out my next fix.  I hid food all the time or would eat in secret.  The stress of making sure the candy was hidden and making sure I didn't accidentally leave it out (since all that sugar does make you a little scatter-brained) was craziness!  It would have been horrible for someone to catch me and find out my secret, how was I going to explain it away?  Not to mention the hassle of physically feeling like total crap!

It was a horrible mess - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually!!!

I have written a little before about my mental stress and issues I've dealt with and how I have been able to free my mind!  I wanted to list out what I have done or am doing physically to help me get where I am today.  Use what you can, leave it out if it's not for you and your own plan.

*read Bible and pray daily
*stop drinking pop/soda
*stop eating (drinking) sweets
*drink lots of water (1/2 your body weight in ounces - example:  if you weigh 100, drink 50 oz/day)
*do not eat anything 3 hours before you go to bed (if you go to bed at 10pm, stop eating at 7pm).  Your body will be working at digesting all the food you just put into it instead of all the stuff you ate throughout the day.
*workout - for me I set goals by doing races.  I had something to train for.  Find something to work for!
*eat smaller portions.  Once you start losing weight, you will normally not want as much food, because your stomach is shrinking!  :)
*sleep - get enough sleep.  I noticed that I was able to sleep better once I took sweets out and started exercising regularly.    
*went to a counselor (was looking for specifically a food addiction therapist, but just chatting with a counselor in general really helped and was a very good step for me!).
*worked through a 12 step program
*essential oils - I have been using natural essential oils to help me stay healthy so I can keep working out and keep up with life in general. 

This is the start of my list.  I'm still working on getting more sugar (breads, pastas) out of my diet and getting more fruits, but mainly more veggies (greens) in!

If any of this sounds good to you - let TODAY be the first day starting you on your way to your 1 year anniversary!

Galatians 6:9  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

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