Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Food = Sin? Yep, it was for me!

For so many people they do not put food in the sin category – thinking “God gave us food to live”.  That is true, but food is being abused by a majority of the population in this world now a days.  God did not give us all the pesticides and addictive chemicals and additives that keep people coming back for more and more and more!  Sin came into this world and then the food abuse started!  The path we are on today is proving to be very deadly, everyone wants everything fast, easy and fun!  We are killing ourselves and making excuse after excuse why we think we aren’t.  People have lost the desire for self-control and normal size portions of really anything – everything is bigger and better.  We are only going to live like that for so long.  What choices you are making will catch up with you.  So many people are sick with a myriad of things from allergies to cancer.  Yet most people will not admit that food could be a part of it - causing the problems or help with healing the problems.  Most people want the quick fix and don’t want to wait to let real foods and real food supplements help the body to heal.  Or even just let time itself – doing nothing – heal the body.  The Master Physician made us after all.  I’m not saying that every allergy or disease can be helped by food, but in my experience with some illnesses, I’ve noticed differences when I’ve looked to food first – for help, but also mainly for prevention.  It’s just not even an option for some people.  
For me, I was totally convicted that my eating patterns were sin!  I was putting food above all else!  It was my idol.  I wanted to put God first, but the addiction was so strong!  I tried so many different things to change but still be able to keep the sugar in my diet.  I gave up pop/soda (been 3 years now!) but that didn’t totally change my thoughts or behavior with food.  I gave my credit card to Jason so I could not buy the sweets and Jason got groceries for us for a while so I would not have to go to the store and be tempted.  That worked for a bit, but the addiction was stronger and crept in and I found ways to get my fix of sugar!  So once again, it was my god.  For about a year I had it in my mind (God prompting me) to stop eating sugar (sweets) all together.  But that just seemed so unattainable!  There were so many things to keep pushing me in that direction.  I kept having this thought come to my mind – “you have an idol over God, I love sugar/food more than I love God”.  This was really bugging me and I was so distraught because I wanted to stop, but the addiction pull was so great!  I started looking into food addiction clinics, addiction information on-line for alcoholics, I read information from a “quit smoking” program.  It all tied in so well – it was everything that I was going through, the addiction mentality and mind set!  God used all these things to keep drawing me closer and closer to the point where I would be able to say “I’m not eating sugar anymore”.  And really to clarify, I don’t eat sweets (chocolate, candy, donuts, muffins, cake, etc), but I do have some sugar like from breads and pasta – the carbs act like sugar in your body.  I’m working on that and maybe someday will be completely sugar free.  For now, this is what I needed to do – go sweet free – that was my horrible crutch. 
I was always so irritated also.  I was mad if I couldn’t get my fix and then was mad when I got it because I didn’t want to do this anymore and I was feeling like crap!  But really what got me and tore me up was how I treated my family – Jason and the kids got the brunt of it and it was so wrong of me!  It did me in and helped get me to the point where I said, and finally followed through, with “no sweets”. 
I had decided that Aug 15, 2012 would be the day that I would start no sweets because Aug 15, 2010 was the day that I started my “no pop/soda”.  I had been successful with that, so that date was a significant day in my mind and this was such a bigger challenge for me to get out of my life that this day of significance was a day I could hold onto.  I had decided the day and had about 2 weeks or so left until I was going to start and then one of the worst days of my life happened – my father-in-law passed away!  I wasn’t sure if this was going to set me back or what.  But really it made my conviction even stronger and my need to do this now even more serious.  There is nothing we can do about our day of death, but we can do something about how we live our life now – we don’t have to live with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, allergies, cancer, etc, etc, etc.
Is there something that’s been on your mind for you to change about your health – is it a sin for you?  Is God prompting you?  Don’t ignore it – follow it!  God has a great path for you, don’t miss out on it!
I am so thankful to God for my almost 1 year anniversary of being sober from sweets!

1 comment:

  1. Very Powerful words.... thank you so much for sharing your struggles like this and letting us into your mind....thanks for pointing the direction to God
